Thursday, October 22, 2009

It is here!

Snow! This morning it started falling, and it is now covering the trees and lawns. They predict inches of it, and yet it is so wet it melts on the pavement instead of staying. Hopefully it will all be gone tomorrow. This would be a good day to hibernate! As evening nears the snowfall is harder and faster, the snow plows have been out, and it looks like Christmas. Too early!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Depths of Fall

The weather forecast is for snow tomorrow. Can it be that time of year already? Today we went to Portage and finished getting it ready for winter. The water and power have been turned off, and the Decon awaits our mousy visitors. It was with sadness that we say farewell for the season. We never did find a chance to go up there and spend a few days this fall. It is a lovely time of year.
This late fall weather also stirs up the knitting process. We have a lovely picture of Jessica winding the balls of yarn for Bob's winter sweater. This was purchased last week at Briggs & Little, and Jessica quickly put it into knitable balls.
Ryan visited this weekend, and had a lovely time with his Uncle Jon. Here he is upside down, laughing as usual. Jon and Erin spent a lovely weekend with us. It is great to have seen all of the boys over the past week and to have spent some quality time with them.
It's time to bank the house and curl up by the fire with the knitting needles.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lovely Day in Canada

Yesterday we went on our annual trip to New Brunswick with Bob. It was a beautiful day with fall colors that were stunning. The day was cool, but not cold, and the sun occasionally peeked through. We spent several hours at King's Landing, enjoying the atmosphere of going back in time to a more peaceful and simpler lifestyle. We toured the farms, visited with the people who work in the village, and had a nice lunch at the King's Head Tavern. We visited the store and had a ride back to the entrance in a horse-drawn buggy. By mid-afternoon we had ventured on to Harvey Station where we shopped at the Briggs & Little Woolen Mill store, and Bob selected yarn for a new sweater. What a great day we had! These pictures taken at King's Landing

will enable you to share the beauty of the day.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall Colors

Fall colors are at their peak in Aroostook this weekend. The trees and hillsides are beautiful with golds and reds. We have a few pictures that show the fall colors. Things on the home front have been very busy this week as Matthew is working on a renovation for us. He managed in a half day to remove the plaster and get rid of the mess. Enjoy a look at fall.