Monday, August 23, 2010

Meeting Bridget

The Coles are in Massachusetts right now becoming acquainted with Bridget, our new granddaughter. She is two weeks old today. Despite an awful trip down here, stuck in traffic for three hours yesterday, it is all worth it. These pictures tell the story.
Here she is, with her parents and grandparents.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August Festival 2010

Today was the August Festival. Jon and Erin came home to visit for the weekend, Andy, Matt, Jo, and the kids came to watch the parade. Ralph's truck is seen here and Sharon joined us watching the parade. Here we have pictures of our gathering on the lawn and scenes from the parade. After venturing downtown for food and looking over the displays, we gathered for the afternoon at Portage Lake. The weather was a bit windy and cloudy, but the kids enjoyed the water anyway. Matt tried to take the boat out for a ride, and we have pictures of the first attempt. He and PJ pushed it back to shore and charged the battery again. Eventually they did get a ride. Pizza was served at the camp, and a fine afternoon was had by all!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Brighten the Corner...

We have spent a lot of time the past couple of weeks at the camp. Today we will show you what we have been doing. The dark, drab, brown kitchen has been transformed into something brighter, cleaner, and lighter. Are you ready for this? Photos show it all. The window now works and has a screen in it.

A second project has been the wharf. It has been stained a deep brown. Gary told Louise it was chocolate, just for her! Here we have pictures of the finished product.
We also encountered a strange

mother duck with a lot of babies, some of them riding on her back. We left the camp today for a few days as we head to Portland for a trip. It is our first trip out of the county this summer.