The Coles are just returning from two days in mid-coast Maine where we attended a funeral for Louise's brother Fred's long time friend and companion. It was a sad occasion, but it allowed us to get together with family we have not seen for some time. Yesterday we visited the old homestead and took a few pictures. It was a lovely fall day and we share some of those pictures with you.
This is a photo of Warren village, along the bridge where the old mill once stood.
This photo is the road coming into Warren.
Here we have the farm looking down toward the brook.
This old piece of farm machinery sits in the lane along a stone wall.
Here is Louise with the old house in the background, as she walked around the fields of her younger years.
The old house, built in the 1700s, still stands.
Louise's brother Fred, and niece Melissa pose for a rare photograph.
There were so many other pictures that should have been taken, as we went back in time to old places and people we haven't seen for a while. Today the weather was terrible, so pictures of the coast were impossible to take. We crossed the new Penobscot Narrows Bridge in rain and fog so dense you couldn't see a thing. It was a lovely still in southern Maine and the colors are still vibrant.