Notice the damage to the brownstone on the back of the mansion.
We also enjoyed a visit or two to the waterfront, and relaxing at Jon and Erin's home.
Before we came home, we visited the Farmer's Market in Portland, purchasing a few plants to start another growing season.
Jon and Erin added a few to their collection also!
The weather has been so cold and wet since we returned from Florida gardening has been far from our thoughts, but finally yesterday it became warmer and the sun appeared. The tulips responded, as you can see.
We are ready for some sunshine and nice weather. Gary has started the yard work, and our thoughts are turning to gardening. Meanwhile Louise is in the middle of a time-consuming and totally engrossing project researching Washburn history and gathering pictures for a sesquicentennial booklet scheduled to be published this summer. She has become a history detective and is enjoying the job!