Friday, February 24, 2012

89 Degrees at Cocoa Beach

That's right - 89 in February. It was 90 a few miles south of us in Melbourne. There was only one thing to do today - go to the beach. The sea breeze made it seem cooler. Here we are:
And the rocket did launch this afternoon, but we missed it as we went out to an early dinner. We felt it and heard it at the restaurant. Tomorrow the temperature drops to the 60s again. Did you say it was snowing in northern Maine??

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life on the Beach - Watching the Sky

We have spent two evenings at dusk watching the skies for a launch of an Atlas rocket. Both of the launches were scrubbed, and the next try will be tomorrow night. Here you see Gary out on the Merritt Island causeway looking towards Cape Canaveral.

Here is a photo of the sunset on the causeway overlooking the Banana River.

Louise received some lovely flowers for Valentine's Day, as you can see in this photo.
We have had beautiful weather and want to share a few photos of life on Cocoa Beach.

Our place is behind the shrubbery. Beside it is the new house that was being built last year when we were here. Gary has come down with a bad cold, but otherwise life is good in Florida.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

February is here!

Yesterday the Coles traveled to Mount Dora to visit the Mount Dora Arts Festival. The number of people there defies the imagination! The streets were shut down, and artist's tents lined them. Artists from all over the country were part of the exhibit, which is considered the largest art festival in the state of Florida. Here we have a picture of the crowd, and one of the most interesting houses, home to the Masons. They served lunch and we ate there.

It was 80 degrees and the heat finally got to Louise, so our visit did not cover all of the exhibits. The drive was a good one, except for the tolls every few minutes. We discovered why Florida has such nice roads - tolls every few miles!
In other news we saw an interesting plane this week at Patrick AFB. It says United States of America on it's side, so it appears to be Air Force One. Perhaps there are several in the fleet or it was here for repairs.

And finally Louise completed her sweater #2 for the year last week. Here you see a photo of it.
Life is good here in Florida, and the temperatures are very warm. It is hard to imagine 80 degrees in February!