Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Bridget Comes to Maine

Bridget ventured north this past week to visit her grandparents. What an adorable little lady she has become! Having just reached the age of two, she acts twice her age and keeps her parents on the move!
Here we have Bridget playing on the beach at Portage Lake.
A paddle boat ride with Daddy.
With Mama and Dada on the wharf.
Having a piece of chocolate birthday cake!
Bridget has conquered another piece of her world. Three days in Maine created new adventures and created fans of everyone she met. What a girl she is!

August and the Museum

So much has been happening in the Cole world this past month. The Salmon Brook Historical Society has taken a prominent place in our efforts. Painting the shed and replacing the roof on the barn have been two big projects this month. Here are a few pictures of this activity:
Ryan pitched in, scraping and painting. Here he is working on the cupola. Gary redid the horse atop it. The place was at its best for the August Festival thanks to lots of volunteer hours.