Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year

This blog has been sadly neglected over the past few months. Perhaps the new year will provide the inspiration to get some posting done.  Today we started the new year by moving into our beach home in Florida. We have been on the road since last Wednesday, so it has been a long trip.

The weather is so great it is unbelievable. It is almost 80 degrees outside with the sun shining. Here we have a picture of the water, glistening in the sun. People are on the beach today and in the water.

The quick change in climate caused us to unpack quickly and find cooler clothes. The jeans and turtlenecks with socks and sneakers were too warm. Out came the sandals. Our first stop in Cocoa Beach was at the Farmer's Market where we found some great naval oranges and ripe, red tomatoes.
We are mostly unpacked and the grocery shopping has been done. Gary is sitting down to watch TV.
It is like a dream come true to be in this beautiful place again.


  1. So glad that you trip went well and that you made it to your piece of paradise. Sounds that the weather is beautiful, it's been raining and then freezing here making it very comfortable to stay inside, fill the wood stove and watch movies. Take care~

  2. Thank you! I hope with the weather as cold as it is up there you have lots of good movies!
