Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Aroostook Spring?

If you glance quickly at the pictures on this page, we don't want you to think this is a reminiscence of last winter. No, this is today. April 16, 2014. We went to bed last  night to flood warnings and road closures as the snow in the fields melted too quickly and flooded much of Main Street in Washburn. We awoke this morning to this:
Yes, new snow and a temperature of 20. It never got above freezing all day. Here is another view from the doorway of the house:
We stayed inside all morning  until Louise declared that cabin fever was setting in. We drove to Presque Isle, by way of the Parson's Road since the flood still has the road closed through Crouseville. We took several interesting pictures of flooded areas near the river in Presque Isle.
We decided to continue our ride with a trip to Ashland and Portage. The road was a bit rough, and there was more snow left there than in Washburn. We spotted deer all along the way.
Who would believe that this photo was not taken in mid-winter? Only someone who lives here right now. We did stop by the camp, but it is still snowed in. Perhaps another week or two of melting will allow us to walk in.
Today is Andrew's birthday, and we are taking him out to dinner, if there is a road open to get to Presque Isle. Let's hope that the current weather doesn't last long. At least we have the fireplace going to off-set the temperature in the teens tonight.

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