Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kennedy Space Center Again

Gary spent 3 hours outside watching for the launch of the Delta rocket, which unfortunately was aborted earlier in the evening, but he didn't know. He did get some  interesting pictures of the moon rise over the Atlantic. This morning after Gary's chilly walk of several miles, we went back to Kennedy Space Center. We took a bus to see the shuttle which was taken to the launch site yesterday. Unfortunately, you can only see the tip of it. We returned to the Visitor Center where we went on the shuttle launch simulator. Matthew would love this! The G force bounces your head against the seat, and the skin on your face feels like it's rubber. We saw the second IMax movie about the space station. Finally we went to the rocket garden and then back to Cocoa Beach. The colder temperatures are obvious in these pictures as you can see how we were dressed. Perhaps they will launch that rocket tonight, but Gary doesn't plan to wait outside watching for hours.

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